


时间:2022-11-30 来源:http://www.songmutie.com/ 发布人:宋母贴

As for plasters, some people will say, "I'll see what works" or "I'm big and need more". This virtually creates a lot of waste, but also can not make drugs play a big role. Small plasters also have great emphasis. Today, Mother Song's Bone Care Center will talk about choosing the right plasters and how to use them.
Choose the right plaster
Each kind of plaster has its own unique pharmacological effect, which can not be freely used. For example, for chronic back pain and bruises caused by wind chill, dog skin plaster, Zhuifeng ointment or Tongluo Qutong ointment can be used to dispel cold and wind, relax tendons and promote blood circulation, and relieve pain; Xiaotong plaster and flurbiprofen cataplasm have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and have certain effects on rheumatic pain, low back pain, arthritis, shoulder periarthritis, etc; Red drug plaster is generally used for traumatic injuries, muscle and bone pain and other symptoms.
Correct usage
Before sticking the plaster, the skin of the affected area or acupoints should be wiped with a hot towel or ginger tablets before sticking. When the weather is cold in winter, the plaster can be applied with a hot water bag after being pasted, so as to stick firmly and increase the therapeutic effect.
For some black plasters that need to be baked, put the plasters on a light fire such as an alcohol lamp or a candle to warm them or float them on boiling water to soften them. When the baked plasters do not burn the skin, stick them on the affected part. Some plasters are attached with a separate wetting agent, which can be used by reading the instructions carefully.
In addition, although the use of the plaster is very flexible, and it is basically applied wherever there is a problem, it should not be applied on the head and face, especially near the eyes, mouth and nose. Come to our website for more information http://www.songmutie.com Ask and understand!



